
Want to experience RAPID transformation? Tired of being told healing will take years - or wondering if it’s not even possible for you?

I help people of all ages (and some animals too) to remove whatever barriers keep you from ultimate wholeness with powerful quantum energy medicine for BOTH your body and soul! You can:

  • overcome immune system issues & addictive behaviors
  • increase resilience
  • heal past traumas, chronic pain, illness or stress
  • stop self-sabotage and remove the barriers that undermine the wholeness you were made for

Bi-Weekly LIVE video in our FB Group Here: Reconstruct Your Life: Real Results, Real Community

Get ready to speed up your own healing so you can fulfill your purpose with more joy and ease than you ever expected! 

Available Products

Foundations - June 2024 - LIVE in Prince George - $109

Become your own personal healthcare provider, experience optimal well being in all areas of life and help your loved ones!

This is a RARE chance to have a LIVE, in-person class with 2 veteran instructors, June 11-12, 2024!

Why take this class?

Foundations in Natural Bioenergetics teaches you the easily-learned skill of muscle response monitoring! It’s your own biofeedback system that brings crystal clarity to precisely how to return to your best well-being physically, mentally and in every way.

  • Experience no more confusion about what is causing symptoms! (Even long-standing issues.)

💥 BONUS! This class will be FILMED, so the price is greatly reduced! Only $109! You get a LIVE class, and we get a recording!

💥 SAVE! Know you want to go on after Foundations?  Save $150 when you register for  Foundations and NB 1 together or when you bundle NB 1, 2, & 3! (You can add these details on the registration form once you click below to register.)

Click "Learn More" to learn more of what is included:👇

Geobiology - LIVE in Prince George

Join us to explore Geopathology, or the study of geopathic energies, is a theory that links the Earth’s inherent radiation with the health of humans, animals, and plants. The term is derived from Greek, with “geo” meaning “earth” and “pathos” meaning “suffering” or “disease.”

We will be exploring various methods and devices available to detect and neutralize the effects of geopathic energies, such as dowsing rods, geomagnetic detectors, and energy harmonizers.

*Geobiology is for advanced students. NB5 or NB6 must be completed and your own energy system must be robust.

💥 $850 If you participate in more than one class, save $50 on each one. 

Click "Learn More" for more details👇

Body Bioenergetics - LIVE in Prince George

The hands-on Body Bioenergetics class helps you determine the best methods for effecting the desired changes in the energy OR the physical body.

Learn how to:

  • Use physical manipulations to help with physical issues
  • Examine the functioning of the fascia, muscles, and tendons
  • Re-establish the proper coordination between the fascia, the nervous system and the muscles. The body will correct most things itself if given the right gentle stimulation.

💥 $850 If you register for more than one class, save $50 on each one. 

Click "Learn More" for more details including what to wear to class👇

Natural Bioenergetics - Foundations

Become your own personal healthcare provider and experience optimal health in all areas of life and help your loved ones!

Summer 2024 - Online Classes via Zoom coming - stay tuned!

Foundations teaches you the easily-learned skill of muscle response monitoring! It’s your own biofeedback system that brings crystal clarity to precisely how to return to your best health.

  • No more confusion about what is causing symptoms! (Even long-standing issues.)

💥 SAVE! Know you want to go on after Foundations?  Save $150 when you register for  Foundations and NB 1 together or when you bundle NB 1, 2, & 3! (Indicate this on the registration form once you click below to register.)

Some of what you will learn includes:

  • Identify foods, drinks and other items that upset your system
  • Calm down a food or environmental reaction 
  • Quickly restore a sense of calm in the middle of complex stress of all kinds
  • Know and use your own built-in biofeedback system with confidence so you can pinpoint what your body is trying to tell you
  • Click "Learn More" for more details👇

How to Live Amidst Grief & Loss ~ Weekly STRESS Clearing (Ongoing)

By invitation, this Grief & Loss community meets weekly for support and real-time stress-clearing with Cheryl. Shifts happen regularly, resilience increases and in addition, the loving community alleviates the aloneness that often accompanies grief.
None of our losses are exactly the same, but there are similarities. No matter what the loss is the brief sharing and connection adds the power of witnessing each other's experience while also releasing trapped emotions and preparing for the work.

  • WHEN: Wednesdays @ 6pm PT / 7pm MT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET
  • WHERE: Zoom (link arrives by email)
  • BETWEEN Session Connections: Interactive Private Support Group on the Signal App - connecting during the week adds much value!

This ongoing community is designed to help give you practical support + powerful accelerators so you can deal with the ups and downs of life without swimming in unnecessary suffering.

From a client: "After losing my husband, I would have been on the bottle or worse if I didn't have access to help from Cheryl. I've grown SO much as a result. Thank you!"

Click "How it Works" below for details 👇

Levels 1-3 - Flight School

After learning the foundation, you now learn to apply this knowledge to help others and  learn to "Fly" levels 1 – 3.

Each level will increase your skills and confidence to perform electromagnetic “first aid” for basic health issues for yourself, family and friends.

Learning step-by-step exactly how to work with each person’s unique physical body’s priorities for healing on all levels. You will learn how to help yourself and others remove sensitivities to food/substances, symptoms from stress, emotionally-triggered symptoms, remove blocks to healing from trauma and more!

Topics Covered in Each Flight School Level - Hit "Learn More" below. 👇

💥 BONUSES 💥 for ALL Flight School Levels 1-3 see details in "Learn More"

Classes starting in January!

Levels 4-6 - TOP GUN - Advanced

Continue your Natural Bioenergetics (NB) training to become a professional practitioner. This is the Advanced TOP GUN levels 4-6.

If you're wanting to begin a professional career in NB or add these skills to an already successful practice as a therapist, naturopath, speech pathologist etc., these skills will accelerate your clients' results exponentially.

We hear from all kinds of professionals who utilize NB in their practice stating how much faster their clients improve. NB is truly like rocket fuel to any other modality that can increase your value and change more lives without you working harder!

Examples of professions where NB could add rocket fuel, hit "Learn More" below.👇

💥 BONUSES 💥 for ALL TOP GUN Levels 4-6 are the same as Flight School with your own separate Signal Chat & mentoring sessions to support your advanced learning.

Classes starting in February!

Identify & ELIMINATE Your Saboteurs ~ for GOOD!

Wanting your business to grow and have more impact without SO many undefined blocks?

Wanting your employment to be easier, more enjoyable and more satisfying?

YOU have personal stressors, belief systems, triggers and more that affect the ease in which your business grows including financially. This is where we will be identifying and eliminating your saboteurs.

  • What stresses you in your business?
  • What do you wish came easier for you?
  • Do you have belief systems that you know are holding you back but you don't know specifically what they are?
  • Are there other business people you admire that you wish you could emulate? What looks easier for them than for you?

Value: $600 - $800
Register for $200 as our gift to help you start 2024 with more impact and profit without all the angst, interruptions, energy drain so you can serve your people with WAY more joy!

👇 Reserve your spot below and receive the zoom link via email!

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