How to Live Amidst Grief & Loss ~ 8 Week Workshop to Regain Function in the Midst of Pain

We Meet on THURSDAYS 💥 This is one of those rare weekly meet ups that women have been clearing their calendars to attend. (True story!)

Increase resilience and in addition, receive the stress-clearing within a loving community alleviates the aloneness that often accompanies grief. None of our losses are exactly the same, but there are similarities. No matter what the loss you're navigating, the brief sharing and connection time of the group adds the power of witnessing each other's experience while also releasing trapped emotions and preparing to receive the benefit of the work each week.

👏 Receive the same benefits as private sessions at a fraction of the cost. Value - $1200

TIME:  Two Thursday group options: 2pm PT OR 6pm PT (designed to optimize options for West Coast & East Coast)

👉 My goal is for you to quickly develop greater capacity to function - even thrive - amidst living in the reality of grief and loss. 

How it works and what is included: 

  • Join us in the signal group to share support and connection throughout the week.
  • Weekly zoom session provides connection time and customized-to-the-group clearing session led by Cheryl so you can experience STRESS RELIEF so you can function more effectively in all aspects of life.

"I've been amazed over the last 7 months to participate every week in group work with Cheryl. One group has been focused on processing grief and loss, the other on personal development. I've noticed a significant increase in the speed of my own functioning after loss, and much more resilience. I'm getting back to being focused and functioning better than ever. It's incredible how the aspects that I'm experiencing each week get pooled together with others and we receive so much. Plus there's an added bonus of being seen and witnessed by others in the group, receiving and  experiencing the truth that we are not alone.  Thank you for trailblazing this idea to meet together and progress in our lives even faster without being stuck"


VALUE:  You pay less than half of what it would cost if you had private sessions with Cheryl!  Group = $399 for 8 sessions vs $1200 for 1 to 1 sessions.

  • NEW DISCOVERY: Each session is MORE valuable and impactful than a private session with Cheryl ! This EXTRA VALUE is due to a multiplying effect of receiving benefit from the specific stressors being cleared from everyone in the group! This came to light recently where everyone experienced BIG shifts more quickly than expected. "Quantum entanglement" is a thing worth exploring so you can experience more understanding if desired.


  • Practical ways to clear your thinking when you're overwhelmed and your brain seems to be offline
  • Brain "resets" for organizational challenges like difficulty getting the essential things done each day. People experience that it gets easier without trying so hard
  • Honest ways to function better every day and release the additional suffering that can weigh us down when there's extra emotions like blame, guilt, anger and etc.
  • How to clear the punishing beliefs and circular patterns that beat you up 

See you there!

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 One time Payment for 8 Weeks ($1200 value)
 $ 399.00 CAD
 Monthly Subscription - 2 payments of $225
 $ 225.00 CAD  ( then $225.00 CAD for 1 months )

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πŸ₯° We're so glad you will be part of this courageous & restorative community!

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